Apply » Apply Now

Apply Now

General Information:

A student applying for admission must complete a Student Application for admission.  Applications received after the open enrollment period will be handled in the order they were received. Students can apply using one of two methods:

  • Complete an online application 
  • Call 1-844-860-9090

Lottery: If the number of eligible applicants does not exceed the number of vacancies, then all eligible applicants who have timely applied during the open-enrollment period will be offered admission. If there are more eligible applicants than available spaces in a class/grade/school, then a lottery will be necessary. In the case of a lottery, you will be notified via the primary contact's email address of the date, time, and location.

Students receive varying levels of priority status when applying. This means a student may receive a higher rank or status than other applicants depending upon certain factors. Priority status is granted as soon as it is warranted.